Friday, April 15, 2011

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution


Last spring I became interested in helping my school improve our school lunch program. All year long I had sat back and watched as the kids ate highly processed, prepacked lunches that were filled with corn syrup, trans fats, and a handful other ingredients I couldn't even pronounce. I came across Jamie Oliver's website and felt empowered after reading about his foundation and mission. Jamie Oliver's mission is to empower, educate and engage as many people as possible to love and enjoy good food. This means learning how to cook, understanding where food comes from, and recognizing the power it can have on our health, happiness, and even finances. Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution is a national movement to change the way Americans eat.

Check out his link to learn why we need a revolution.

I wanted to change the food being served in our school because the food impacts students health and well being. Over the summer the principal and several parents created a menu that replaced the processed junk food with freshly cooked meals. We have made significant improvements to our lunch program, however, it is still a work in progress. Be an advocate at your school and act now to bring back plain milk!

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